Little Red Scarf provides financial support and encouragement to children suffering from congenital heart disease. In addition, they provide families with post-operative care and help the children sustain a healthy lifestyle. 12 patients sponsored by LRS Care were discharged from hospital in December, 2012. After 3 months, we called parents of 8 patients and 4 mothers. 371 Chunfeng Discharge time: 12/18/2012. Telephone interview: 03/22/2013. Recheck have not been done. Recent developments: she is much better after the operation. She hasn’t caught a cold in 4 months. Her parents are too busy to take her for the recheck. There is no kindergarten near the family, so she has to stay at home until school age. 373 Chunfeng Discharge time: 12/06/2012. Telephone interview: 03/19/2013. Recheck time: 04/02/2013. Recent developments: she is healthier than before with seldom cold. She eats more and the scar is healing well. 374 Wenjiao Discharge time: 12/31/2012. Telephone interview: 03/22/2013. Recheck time: 04/01/2013. Recent developments: we saw Wenjiao and her mother at the door of color ultrasound room on April 1, 2013. She was sleeping in her mother’s arms and waiting for her turn. Her mother said she was healthier with less cold. We checked her scar and it healed well. After check, her mother said happily, “your illness is gone and let’s go home”. LY-255 Souxiang Discharge time: 12/31/2012. Telephone interview: 03/22/2013. Recheck time: not yet. Recent developments: Souxiang is 10 moths old and still gets cold, but he almost recovered. He became healthier and grew taller. The scar is healing well. His parents are going to take him for a recheck in April. LY-263 Hongyan Discharge time: 12/28/2012. Telephone interview: 03/22/2013. Recheck time: not yet. Recent developments: Hongyan is recovering well and has not got a cold during the winter. She eats more and the scar is healing well.
LY-265 Xiaoxin Discharge time: 12/17/2012. Telephone interview: 03/26/2013. Recheck time: 03/18/2013. Recent developments: Xiaoxin is thin and does not have much change after the operation. She eats less and the scar heals well. She is in kindergarten and the teacher does not let her attend vigorous activity. LY-266 Leilei Discharge time: 12/18/2012. Telephone interview: 03/26/2013. Recheck time: not yet. Recent developments: Leilei attended preschool and does well at school. He seldom gets cold and eats more after the operation. The wounds are healing well. The teacher did not ask him to attend PE class. His mother said to take him for the recheck in May. LY-268 Jiani Discharge time: 12/21/2012. Telephone interview: 03/26/2013. Recheck time: one month after the operation. Recent developments: Jiani is in Grade 4. The recheck results are good. The child felt palpitation a few days after the new semester. Her mother will take her for the check in a few days. MQ-03 Linlin Discharge time: 12/12/2012. Telephone interview: 03/26/2013. Recheck time: not yet. Recent developments: Linlin is healthier and the wound is healing well. She can do some housework. She grew stronger. MQ-01 Suofei Discharge time: 12/25/2012. Telephone interview: 03/27/2013. Recheck time: 03/26/2013. Recent developments: Suofei is recovering well and gain 10 kg after the operation. He can do some housework. Every item is well for the recheck. MQ-04 Yongfang Discharge time: 12/25/2012. Telephone interview: 03/27/2013. Recheck time: done. Recent developments: Yongfang recovered well and can do some housework now. She also takes care of 2 children. She occasionally felt palpitation. Everything is fine and she gained 14 kg after the operation. Original article written by Yingying Guan, translated by Maggie Li, edited by Yanyan Zhang Comments are closed.
September 2024