The following update was a letter from our partner organization Daklak Ministries.
Dear Transparent Fish Fund, Last month, there were many visitors at my home, and there is a story I would like to tell you. I know a lady named Xan-Diu. She was 7 months pregnant when I first met her and was anxious since she has had a history of premature births. Her husband and father in-law are both mentally ill and her older daughter who is 9 year old cannot walk or speak. Her baby was born at 3.3 pounds, but luckily he survived and is 6 month old now. In May, while I was serving God’s works in Tuy Hoa, the news came to me that her husband Dung was lost. I then posted the information to look for him on the internet. We prayed, and finally we found him and brought him home. Another story, 3 weeks ago, about 11pm when I was sleeping, a phone call from Ms Ngan, reported that there was a 17 day old baby that needed an adoption. Since it was late, I didn’t talk much but told her that I would come tomorrow. The following morning when I was praying in the church, she called again. I finally ran over to a hot and tiny dorm room, located upstairs, to see Ms Ngan, Mrs. Loan, and her new born girl Thien Nhi. Mrs. Loan is a 22 year old Pharmacy Technician and was raped by a neighbor. I took Mrs. Loan and the baby home with me and I am currently trying to contact the child's father. He needs to take responsibility for his actions for the well-being of his child. I have kept the baby’s birth certificate as an evidence. I will send more information for you in the next letter. Wishing you and your family peace and happiness. Humanitarian groups in Vietnam lack resources, especially in the mountainous tribal regions. Vietnam Missions represents these groups by maintaining frequent communication with them and summarizing their life-changing updates to their donors.
Dear TFish’s sponsors, In God’s grace, Loving Shelter has been continuing its operation by putting faith in the Lord and leaning on His provisions. This month highlight story: Hoai Van Dao, a 7th year old boy whose father is a Cambodian and mother is a Vietnamese minority – Chau Ro. His father is an alcoholic and left for Cambodia, leaving the single mom with three children. Hoai ended up living with his grandmother in Dong Nai province. Growing up without seeing his father, yet he has never stopped hearing the taunts from his grandmother and mother, “like father like son, hard-headed!” And it has become the boy’s nickname. He was proud of that in fact and lived a life of a hard-headed boy just as he was called. He was known with fighting and cussing in the neighborhood that everyone including his family turned away. When visiting his grandmother’s home, I saw Hoai and felt sorry for him. I loved him and wanted to adopt him, but his grandmother said, “Oh no, he is very stubborn, just like his father.” I replied, “Please don’t worry. Things will be fine. The Lord will change him.” That’s how Hoai got adopted by Loving Shelter. Since then, the boy also adopted a new name, “Good Hoai.” And he becomes obedient indeed. This year, he is in first grade class and before going to school, he greets me goodbye. When I ask, he answers me with kind and respectful words. He also shows appreciation when having his meals. Loving Shelter is facing the new year with many challenges. Despise the loneliness feeling I have in this mission because there is not much of support by my side, my heart is warmed when out of the lips of the “Good Hoai,” a praise song was sung, “Christ the Lord is risen today Earth and heaven in chorus say Raise your joys and triumphs high Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply Love's redeeming work is done Fought the fight, the battle won Death in vain forbids him rise Christ has opened paradise…” The Lord sacrificed His life because of me. What about me? I wonder what future the “hard-headed” boy would have if there wasn’t a helping hand extended for him. Thanks be to God who touch and changed the boy’s life. Thank you TFish’s sponsors for making this work possible and may the Lord give you back with many blessings from above. Original Article written by Vietnam Missions, translated by Cam Chau |
September 2024