HOW is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in the USA, whose staff consists of all volunteers. Its mission is to provide hope and care to neglected, abandoned, and orphaned children in deprived areas of the world with a specific focus on VietNam. Helping Orphan's Worldwide (HOW) Inc. UPDATE AND WRAP UP FOR 2012! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND LOVE! We are so sorry we have not updated for a while but Helping Orphan's Worldwide (HOW) Inc. has been very busy recruiting new volunteers, and preparing for our 4 nights a week tutoring program, plus preparing for a huge Christmas Celebration with 4000 children from 70 orphanages, to include children rescued from the streets, and many with severe disabilities and also elderly people from the Leper Colonies, some of whom wanted one last chance to see the city and children before they pass on. HOW has been in a very serious working mode to put together an amazing team of 38 local student volunteers from Free Hugs Vietnam, who are willing to take two hours out of their night and come safely in a taxi (that HOW provides for their safety) up to 30 kilometers away. They tutor from 6:00pm to 8:00pm to help the children with their Vietnamese homework first, later we will add “Tell Me More” English and a computer lab with 8 computers to learn how to run programs like Microsoft Word, Excel Spreadsheets, screen grab, and much more, all taught in Vietnamese by trained teachers from Orphan Impact, along with HOW/FHV tutors. We have been very been very busy as well putting together a team of volunteer doctors and nurses from around the world, to come to HCMC to conduct training programs in EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa), and other seminars to help with all skin conditions. We have Transparent Fish Fund and the Ping and Amy Chow Family Foundation plus all of their donors to thank for this wonderful EB program.
EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa) is a rare genetic skin disease that causes the skin to be so fragile that even the slightest touch will separate the layers of the skin. The skin literally breaks, resulting in painful blisters and open wounds. A mother may never be able to hold her child tightly because the skin would peel off and bleed. Children with EB may never run or play as other children because even the slightest friction will cause them great pain. EB occurs in every racial group throughout the world. Younger patients are sometimes called “Butterfly Children” because their skin is as fragile as a butterfly’s wings. In South America, kids with EB are referred to as “Crystal Skin Children.” The plight of these children was brought to public attention with a documentary from the UK: “The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off” (2004). We hope you enjoy photos and videos we have put together so you can see the work being done from our hearts. We wish you all a very Happy Holiday Season, and a Happy New Year!!! Love all of us from Helping Orphan's Worldwide (HOW) Inc. Pleaes visit for more information :) Original article written by HIlary Brown Comments are closed.
September 2024