Little Red Scarf is in Lanzhou, Gansu province and provides financial support and encouragement to children suffering from congenital heart disease. In addition, they provide families with post-operative care and help the children sustain a healthy lifestyle. 15 patients were supported by Little Red Scarf in June 2012. Now one year later, we called their families to learn more about their health and reimbursement for expenses. 354 Zihao. Discharge time: 06/01/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/17/2013. Recent developments: Zihao is 3 years old and became healthier after the surgery. He seldom catches a cold, and the wound is healing well. However, he eats nothing except milk. He doesn’t like vegetables, and he is much shorter than his contemporaries. We suggested the family help him correct his living habits. The surgery expenses have been reimbursed by Cooperative Medicine Service apart from the support of Little Red Scarf. The family paid 7,000 RMB. 360 Xiao Se. Discharge time: 06/14/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Xiao Se is 3.5 years old. He is healthy and catches colds occasionally. He can speak clearly and walk steadily. His kindergarten is near his family, and he will go to kindergarten soon. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family paid 5000 Yuan. 357 Jia Jia. Discharge time: 06/13/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: The child suffered from cerebral anoxia due to sudden cardiac arrest. 3 months after the surgery, the situations of Jia Jia became even worse. She died 5 months later. Her mother has been pregnant for 3 months, but is in poor health. Her father could not work because of backache. We reminded her mother to take care of herself and go to hospital for examinations. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family paid over 30,000 Yuan. LY-225 Xiao Jing. Discharge time: 06/07/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Xiao Jing is 4.5 years old. She is healthy and seldom gets sick. She attends activities in the kindergarten as the other children do. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family paid over 2,000 Yuan. LY-226 Fei Hang. Discharge time: 06/11/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Fei Hang became healthier after the surgery. He seldom gets sick. As he lives in a rural area, there’s no kindergarten. He can attend pre-school class after 6 years, but the school is about 10 kilometers away from his home. His parents plan to rent a room near the school. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family did not pay any, but gained over 2,000 Yuan. LY- 227 Xing Dong. Discharge time: 06/15/2012. Second telephone interview: 06/20/2013. Recent developments: he is recovering well according to the results of re-examinations. He develops a little bit slower than his contemporaries. The wound is healing well. The sternum became flatter. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf. The family paid over 2,000 Yuan. LY-228 De Huai. Discharge time: 06/13/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: De Huai is over 2 and he is learning to speak. He likes running. The sternum seemed obvious 3 months after the surgery, but it seems flatter now. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family did not pay any, but gained over 5,000 Yuan. LY-229 Juan Juan. Discharge time: 06/14/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Juan Juan is over 2, and she is healthier. She develops as her contemporaries. Her wound is healing well. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family paid over 8,000 Yuan. LY-231 Lu Hang. Discharge time: 06/04/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Lu Hang is 2.5 years old. He is healthier with few colds. The wound is healing well. His parents work in the city so he lives with his grandparents. His mother is happy for he is healthier. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family paid over 7,000 Yuan. LY-232 Xiao Ming. Discharge time: 06/21/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Xiao Ming will be promoted to Grade 9 next semester. He did well at school. He became healthier after the surgery, and he attends activities at school. He is the same as other schoolmates. The wound is healing well. Her father often reminds him to keep Little Red Scarf in mind and help others when he is able to. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family paid over 10,500 Yuan. LY-233 Fang Fang. Discharge time: 06/04/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Fang Fang is over 6 and he will attend school next semester. He is healthier. He did exercises, but feels no discomfort. The school is near his home. The wound is healing well. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family paid over 3,000 Yuan. LY-234 Hui Hui. Discharge time: 06/08/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Hui Hui is over 6 and will attend school next semester. She seldom catches cold after the surgery and eats well. She looks thin, but she is energetic. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family did not pay any, but gained over 1,300 Yuan. LY-235 Fa Rui. Discharge time: 06/12/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: He will be promoted to Grade 2 next semester. He is an average student at school. He is healthier and is able to attend activities at school. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family did not pay any, but gained over 1,500 Yuan. LY-238 Yue Er. Discharge time: 06/21/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/15/2013. Recent developments: Yue Er is 5 and became healthier. She seldom gets sick and is in kindergarten. Her mother said she is naughty, but eats well. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family did not pay any, but gained over 5,000 Yuan. LY-240 Ying Ying. Discharge time: 06/19/2012. Second telephone interview: 07/07/2013. Recent developments: She will attend Grade 2 next semester. She is healthier. She caught a cold a few days ago, but recovered soon. She does well at school and attend activities and PE. The surgery expenses were supported by Little Red Scarf and new rural cooperative medical system. The family only paid 360 Yuan. Original article written by Ying Guan, translated and edited by Yanyan Zhang Comments are closed.
September 2024