Learn how we're helping orphans in Myanmar, children at risk in Thailand, and villagers without clean water in Vietnam. Expanding Impact in Myanmar, Thailand, and VietnamWe are excited to announce these new projects and partnerships that will expand our impact in East Asia.
Orphans in MyanmarWhether these orphans are going to school, carrying firewood, or singing worship songs, they have a reason to be grateful. Rev. Thang and his wife recently started an orphanage in Myanmar for underprivileged youth. We're partnering with them to help care for these children, providing basic nutrition and life essentials. Rescued Children in ThailandZOE Children's Homes in Thailand currently cares for 75 children on a long-term basis. These are children who are orphans or have been rescued from human trafficking and have no other place to go. ZOE strives to rescue every child from human trafficking. Through their comprehensive prevention, intervention, and restoration programs, they’re able to transform children from their past and provide opportunities for a better future. We're partnering with them to provide preventative healthcare for the children, including improved nutrition, dental care, and vaccinations. Water Wells in VietnamThere are 4,000 inhabitants in the mountainous district of Thanh Hoa province, including Muong and White Thai ethnic groups. Currently the community's water source is from a storage lake at the foot of a mountain. The locals must carry a pot on their heads and walk a long way to get water to fill their cement reservoirs at home. As the water flows through the mountain area, it does not meet hygiene standards. The local people desperately need a source of clean water. We want to build 6 water wells for the community. Will you help sponsor 1 well for $600? Our fundraising goal is $3,600 to build 6 wells. 2016 Fundraising Goal: $150,000As of the end of July, we are almost a third of the way to our annual fundraising goal. Will you join us to make an impact in East Asia?
Volunteer Spotlight: Emma CockerellAs a TFish intern, Emma Cockerell brings not only her excellent language skills to the team, but also her passion for China and a heart to help others. Volunteering as a translator has certainly helped Emma learn new Chinese vocabulary and improve her reading comprehension. But it’s been much more than just an academic experience. "Reading about the difficulties faced by families in rural Chinese villages, as well as seeing pictures of the areas they come from, has really opened my eyes and transformed my perspective about where I stand in the world,” said Emma. View the original e-newsletter.
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September 2024